Margherita Caggiano No Comments

From the desk of the CEO-November 2017 newsletter address

Nigel Carpenter, Sustainable Skills CEO, signing the declaration committing to implement an industry-led system. Jakarta, 14 November 2017.

On 14 November I had the pleasure of speaking at the Rembug Nasional seminar organised in Jakarta by IINC – The Indonesian Institute for National Competence, a not-for-profit organisation appointed to build the National Competency System (SKN) or “Siskomnas”. The seminar focussed on how to improve the quality and competitiveness of Indonesia’s human resources to increase the country’s productivity and help bring more of the population out of poverty.

There were speakers from BNSP, the Indonesian Professional Certifications Authority, Ministries of Manpower, Industry, and Bappenas, the central government institution responsible for formulating national development planning and budgeting, as well as for international development cooperation. Sustainable Skills was the only foreign organisation invited to attend the seminar, positioning our team as a well regarded advisor able to support Indonesia to meet its skills needs. I was invited by Pak Abdul Wahab Bangkona, Special Advisor for International Affairs of the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower, to deliver a speech about how an industry-led TVET system can help improve educational outcomes and drive productivity in Indonesia. At the end of the seminar I had the privilege to sign a declaration committing to implement an industry-led TVET system in Indonesia.

This month our Chair of the Board, Michael Gill, travelled to Myanmar to strengthen our partnership with local institutions. The Government recently released the Myanmar’s National Education Strategy Plan, which gives high priority to vocational education, reflecting the urgent need to improve the employment prospects of younger people and the gap in skills available to meet the nation’s needs. As Myanmar implements its strategy for education, Sustainable Skills aims to play a number of roles supporting the execution of the plan and assisting with projects that increase the quality and supply of education and training places.

The project in Uganda funded by the World Bank to address skills imbalances and shortages in the Country is progressing. Our team of exceptionally-qualified local and international TVET experts is currently designing a model of due diligence and capacity assessments to ensure that all material facts relevant to the funding decision have been revealed, and that all the organisations involved in the project are honest, reliable, and fully capable of executing their responsibilities under the grant agreements.

Since 23 November, Ben Rawlings is no longer working with Sustainable Skills. I would like to thank Ben for his contribution to the organisation over the past four years and particularly during the transition from SkillsDMC to Sustainable Skills. We wish Ben every success in life and in his future endeavors. We have now appointed Luke Behncke as the new Director International Development Services, who will start working with Sustainable Skills on the 4th of December. Luke has over 20 years’ experience in education and business development with a demonstrated history of working in vocational education and training across all industries in domestic and international markets, which will make him a valuable asset to Sustainable Skills. I am pleased to welcome Luke to the team and we look forward to working with him.

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Margherita Caggiano 1 Comment

Greening TVET: A Practical Guide for Institutions

Greening TVET: A Practical Guide for Institutions Released by UNESCO-UNEVOC

Environmental Issues represent one of the World’s most pressing challenges of our century. According to the Global Footprint Network, the Earth Overshoot Day, the date when humanity’s annual demand on nature exceeds what Earth can regenerate over the entire year, this year marked globally on August 2, the earliest it’s ever been. Industry can play a pivotal role to reduce the global carbon footprint and change the future of our Planet. This transition demands a change in the nature of work by ensuring workforces have skills and knowledge to support the new green economies and societies. TVET is crucial to support the transition to a low-carbon economy by preparing learners to face new expectations of the industry.

In light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), TVET underpins many of the proposed goals and the achievement of sustainable development. For example, Goals 4, 6 and 8 of the SDGs are directly related to TVET, with many of the targets capable of being supported by a well-designed TVET system and targeted skills-development interventions.

The “Greening TVET” guide, recently published by UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for TVET, outlines the main reasons to invest in greening TVET, including:

  • Greening TVET helps production to advance to more environmentally conscious practices,
  • A ‘green’ worker is a more employable worker; a ‘green’ workforce will enhance the profitability of the enterprise;
  • National governments need to seize the potential for job creation by providing skills needed in the new green sectors;
  • Disadvantaged groups in the labour market (young people, women, persons with disabilities, rural communities and other vulnerable groups) require targeted support to develop their potential knowledge and skills for green jobs.

The publication is designed to help leaders and practitioners of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) improving their understanding and implementation of education for sustainable development using a whole-institution approach to greening their institutions.

“Greening TVET” discusses four key steps:

  • STEP 1: Understanding the process
  • STEP 2: Planning for the greening of TVET
  • STEP 3: Implementing an Institutional Green Plan
  • STEP 4: Monitoring and Assessment Strategies

The Guide is available here


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